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Featured lists
Featured lists are common marketing components used for associating visual icons with a list of topics.
On this page
Save things
Use dropbox to save things in the "cloud" because throwing things away is stressful and this way you don't have to.
Fork things
Use github to share things on the internet then change them. Make things better. Free software? But not as in beer.
Write things
Use Medium to write things down and sound smart. Also when you write, your writings looks pretty and that is cool.
Tweet things
Use twitter to share 140 characters worth of anything you want. Pictures, videos, etc. It doesn't really matter.
<div class="container-fluid">
<div class="row my-4">
<div class="col-sm-6">
<ul class="featured-list featured-list-bordered">
<li class="mb-5">
<div class="featured-list-icon">
<img class="icon img-fluid p-3" src="/docs/assets/img/examples/dropbox.svg" alt="Dropbox">
<h3>Save things</h3>
Use dropbox to save things in the "cloud" because throwing things away is stressful and this way you don't have to.
<div class="featured-list-icon">
<img class="icon img-fluid p-3" src="/docs/assets/img/examples/github.svg" alt="GitHub">
<h3>Fork things</h3>
Use github to share things on the internet then change them. Make things better. Free software? But not as in beer.
<div class="col-sm-6">
<ul class="featured-list featured-list-bordered">
<li class="mb-5">
<div class="featured-list-icon">
<img class="icon img-fluid p-3" src="/docs/assets/img/examples/medium.svg" alt="Medium">
<h3>Write things</h3>
Use Medium to write things down and sound smart. Also when you write, your writings looks pretty and that is cool.
<div class="featured-list-icon">
<img class="icon img-fluid p-3" src="/docs/assets/img/examples/twitter.svg" alt="Twitter">
<h3>Tweet things</h3>
Use twitter to share 140 characters worth of anything you want. Pictures, videos, etc. It doesn't really matter.
Sass variables
$featured-list-font-size: $font-size-base;
$featured-list-border-width: $border-width;
$featured-list-border-color: $gray-200;
$featured-list-icon-width: $spacer * 3.8;
$featured-list-icon-font-size: $featured-list-font-size * 2.3;
$featured-list-li-padding-left: $spacer * 5;